Fifty years after Fort Tryon Park was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr., Quennell Rothschild & Partners prepared a plan for its complete restoration, for the Greenacre Foundation and NYC Parks. Situated on a spectacular, rocky site in upper Manhattan, near the Cloisters, with sweeping views of the Hudson River and across to the New Jersey Palisades, the 67‑acre park combines terraced gardens, woodland walks, and rustic stone bridges for pedestrians with scenic drives created especially for the enjoyment of motorists.
The master plan included recommendations for the restoration of the walkways, stone walls, terraces, steps, lawns and plantings that make up the park. The plan proposed a complete restoration of the Heather Garden, opening up views of the river which had become obscured by weedy volunteer trees and overgrowth. The restored Heather Garden, now one of the city’s most beautiful and well-maintained gardens, enhances the stunning views.
QRP continues to support the ongoing restoration of Fort Tryon Park. Among the upgrades are the New Leaf Café, in collaboration with the New York Restoration Project; restoration plans for the Grotto and Alpine Garden, original park features designed by the Olmsted Brothers; and the reconstruction of a stair in the northern sector of the park, for NYC Parks.